
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Church today was Awesome! Every last Sunday we have what we call "Family Sunday" in which we bring our children's church into the Sanctuary to worship with us. Families worshiping together, what an awesome thought. Our kids are on stage jumping and dancing and most of all leading us in worship. I Love That! Just the idea of our children learning to lead a Worship service is amazing. That they experience what I get to experience every Sunday when I lead. Lori Vowell does an awesome job teaching the kids the songs and motions, and most of all the passion of giving all in Worship. I can't imagine not having a church family. People who you love and trust and really enjoy being around. Heritage Fellowship is a wonderful place to Worship. Your family would be safe here, come join us!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Welcome to my New Blogspot!

Hello my name is Phil Thompson and I'm the Music and Media Pastor at Heritage Fellowship.  Thanks for visiting our website.  On our website you will find video of our music, sermons and TV programs.  We update our videos every week.  People from all over the country visit our website and watch our videos.  If you're interested in becoming a part of this ministry drop me an email at  We need volunteers to run the cameras, computers, lighting and sound every Sunday.  This is an exciting part of our church.  We broadcast a weekly TV program every Tuesday night at 7:30PM on BBB Channel 12 Comcast.  I am always meeting people who have seen the TV program or has watched videos on our website or on our Facebook page.  Come be a part of this exciting ministry at Heritage Fellowship!