
Thursday, September 18, 2014

It's been a tough year. June 5 My Mom (Violet Thompson) passed away while I and some of my siblings were sitting with her in a hospital room. I had promised her when that day came I wouldn't leave her side, and I didn't. We tried to sing "Uncloudy Day" but through the tears we couldn't. So I used my phone and played the song that I had recorded for her a couple of years ago as she quietly breathed her last breath. I had also promised her that I would do her funeral. With the help of God, I was able to do that too. Those who know me know that I am an emotional person, in other words, a crybaby. I mean, I cry watching extreme home makeover or any sad movie. So, how can a 6'2" 258 lbs football coach, tough guy, be such a soft hearted person? I don't know! I just am. And furthermore, how can such a crybaby stand up in front of family and friends and share about the one who brought me into this world without breaking down? This I do know. The one thing my Momma did that changed my life at the age of 14 was.....She let me go. I was struggling at a new school, I had just been cut from the school basketball team, I was hanging out with the wrong crowd, I was still hurting over the divorce that had happened the year before. I was a mess. I needed a change, and as tough as it was, she loved me enough to let me go live with my grandparents 10 miles away. Soon after, at the Kellysville Church of God, with Youth Evangelist Jesse Farley speaking on youth day, I walked down the isle and gave my heart to Christ. That moment my world and my eternity changed forever. I still had difficult times, still made some bad decisions, but I knew a God of mercy and grace that would be by my side each step of my life journey. The strength and courage I needed each day to survive, came from a relationship with Jesus. So, here I am 42 yrs later, writing a blog, explaining how a crybaby can stand and deliver a message at his Momma's funeral. It's only by the strength and the presence of God in my life and the comfort of knowing Momma was right with God and that I would see her again in Heaven that gave me what I needed to do what I had promised her. We as a family just recently celebrated the homegoing of Uncle Corky (Mom's brother), and Aunt Becky (Mom's sister). The Walker reunion will never be the same here on earth, but it's just getting cranked up in Heaven. Be strong family, we can do this!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Football season is here! It's the best time of the year. Right? I know we live in a football crazy area. We have the Oak Ridge Wildcats, and the Tennessee Volunteers, and both have a fanatic fan base. It's amazing how passionate fans are of their teams. We wear clothes in the colors of our team (pretty much everything I own is Cardinal and Gray). We clear our schedules, and even schedule around games so that people will come to our event. We have fundraisers, pep rallies, and all kinds of special events centered around our favorite team. I, being a Coach and a Pastor, have come to realize something: Coaching and Pastoring are very similar. In football, we evaluate each player to find the position best suited for their talents and abilities. It's very similar to the way we try to "plug in" our members to ministry positions i.e. singers, nursery, youth sponsors, etc. In football, we try to get each player to go "All In" and give their very best for the team on every play. The same for church, we ask all members to be faithful and to give their very best in their attendance and in their giving. With football, we realize that there are times that a player will get banged up or hurt at times. We ask them to push through and to continue on with the fight for your team. In church, we realize that there are times when our members get hurt, or offended, or tired. We ask them to keep fighting the good fight, and to push through the difficult times. In football we have to train, lift weights, and condition ourselves for the long season. If we don't, we end up hurt and disappointed with the results that come without doing those things. If a Christian doesn't study, pray, fellowship, give, it becomes very hard to live a Christian life. We say all the time "It's not easy being a football player—if it was, everyone would do it". I could also say, it's not easy being a Christian. It is a fight for your soul between you and your enemy who is very cunning and evil. Your enemy will use everything possible to keep you from achieving your goal of living a Christian life and going to Heaven. In football, there is nothing like the joy of winning and celebrating a victory after all the work, sweat, tears, and sacrifices. In Church, there's nothing like being in the presence of an Almighty God, and receiving from Him all the blessings and love that we work and desire for each day, and then rejoice when we help or lead another brother or sister who was lost to Him. In the game of life, there are only two teams, whose team are you on?

Keep on Keepin' on,


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I Love Worship. Kinda makes sense doesn't it. I mean it is what I do. It is how I provide for my family. It is what God called me to do. But, it goes much deeper for me. This week was awesome Worship at church. The presence of the Lord filled the house, and you could tell He was here. As a Worship leader, I feel the urgency to lead others to that place. The presence of Almighty God where you can tell He is there ministering to those who are broken, searching, needing a touch to make it through life's journey. There are many things that can hinder or distract you from getting to that place of Worship we all desire to be. Sometimes it's just the little things that happen. Sometimes it's that disagreement you may have had just before church. Maybe the sound is too loud, the lights too bright, you're sleepy from not getting enough rest. Sometimes it may be that our lives are so busy, we don't have the time to prepare or to even think about Worship. Let's just be real. Sometimes we just don't want to. How do you fix that?.......Well, first let's look at the relationship. Is there one? I mean a real one. A relationship that communicates often. One that loves being in each others presence. One that is the most important relationship that you have period. That's where we start. My wife Naomi is my soul mate. I never get tired of being around her. Every day we call each other several times just to hear each others voice. I know, it sounds corny, but it's true! God desires that kind of a relationship from us. A relationship that won't even think about missing an opportunity to spend together in Worship. I believe  He desires us to come together in one accord to build our relationship, so that it gets stronger each time we do. Naomi and I have 4 kids, bills, football practices, issues that we face every day. That never stops us from spending quality time together. Don't let all the things you face in life keep you from that relationship with God that you desire. Build that relationship, then Worship becomes easy.
Keep on Keepin' on,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So, life is full of changes. Every now and then you're moving along as normal then all of the sudden.......Change! How do you react? Do you panic? Worry? Give in to fear and doubt? Or do you trust the One who has blessed you and provided for you all of your life. We at Heritage are facing "Change" right now. The Metler Family who has served us and ministered to us for many years have followed the leading of the Lord in a new direction. What a great team they were, giving us many years of fruitful ministry. No doubt God will continue to use them in a mighty way. Now, what do we do? We keep on working. We keep on serving. We keep on praying. We keep on Worshipping. We keep on giving. That is what a great church does, and we are a great church. We have always heard it said "When God guides, He Provides". I believe that with all my heart. I believe He has lead Pastor Paul and his family in the direction they have taken. I also believe He will provide the right Pastor and family to shepherd this church. Join with me as I pray for God's direction for Heritage. Until that day comes that our New Pastor and family are announced, let's continue to do what great churches do, and Trust in the Lord with all of our hearts. Keep on Keeping on Heritage!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Just came back from a much needed vacation. I had been looking forward to this for a while, and was finally ready to go Monday morning. So Naomi and I loaded up and went to the beach. On the trip down I started to feel really bad, a lot of sneezing, watery eyes, throbbing head, etc. So on Wednesday of my much needed vacation I was sitting in a drop in medical office getting antibiotics for the massive sinus infection I had. Just keepin it real here, I was mad. I never get sick, so when I finally get some time to rest, relax, and refresh, I get sick as a dog! It was then my lovely wife gave me a rally speech that I have given my defensive linemen over and over again. "Sometimes you just have to play hurt". If you just have a "boo-boo" rub some dirt on it, and keep playing. If you're injured that's different, if it's a "boo-boo" play through it. She was right! Again! I had let my "boo-boo" stop me from enjoying a much need time of refreshing and enjoying my family. So I rallied, picked myself up, dusted myself off, and had a great rest of the week. It's like that sometimes in our spiritual journey. We may get offended, hurt, tired,  knocked off track, and we get mad, discouraged, and ready to quit. Let me coach you up. Your opponent, the enemy of your soul will do all those things to keep you from reaching your potential in Christ. Sometimes we just have to play through all the "boo-boo's" that life throws at us and keep on fighting to keep the faith and lead other's to Christ. And when you make it through and start to feel better, you can share it like I am now and maybe encourage someone who is going through the same thing, that it will get better. After each battle you get stronger and tougher and in faith know that He will never leave you or forsake you. Be strong my brothers and sisters.
Pastor Phil

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Church today was Awesome! Every last Sunday we have what we call "Family Sunday" in which we bring our children's church into the Sanctuary to worship with us. Families worshiping together, what an awesome thought. Our kids are on stage jumping and dancing and most of all leading us in worship. I Love That! Just the idea of our children learning to lead a Worship service is amazing. That they experience what I get to experience every Sunday when I lead. Lori Vowell does an awesome job teaching the kids the songs and motions, and most of all the passion of giving all in Worship. I can't imagine not having a church family. People who you love and trust and really enjoy being around. Heritage Fellowship is a wonderful place to Worship. Your family would be safe here, come join us!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Welcome to my New Blogspot!

Hello my name is Phil Thompson and I'm the Music and Media Pastor at Heritage Fellowship.  Thanks for visiting our website.  On our website you will find video of our music, sermons and TV programs.  We update our videos every week.  People from all over the country visit our website and watch our videos.  If you're interested in becoming a part of this ministry drop me an email at  We need volunteers to run the cameras, computers, lighting and sound every Sunday.  This is an exciting part of our church.  We broadcast a weekly TV program every Tuesday night at 7:30PM on BBB Channel 12 Comcast.  I am always meeting people who have seen the TV program or has watched videos on our website or on our Facebook page.  Come be a part of this exciting ministry at Heritage Fellowship!