
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

I Love Worship. Kinda makes sense doesn't it. I mean it is what I do. It is how I provide for my family. It is what God called me to do. But, it goes much deeper for me. This week was awesome Worship at church. The presence of the Lord filled the house, and you could tell He was here. As a Worship leader, I feel the urgency to lead others to that place. The presence of Almighty God where you can tell He is there ministering to those who are broken, searching, needing a touch to make it through life's journey. There are many things that can hinder or distract you from getting to that place of Worship we all desire to be. Sometimes it's just the little things that happen. Sometimes it's that disagreement you may have had just before church. Maybe the sound is too loud, the lights too bright, you're sleepy from not getting enough rest. Sometimes it may be that our lives are so busy, we don't have the time to prepare or to even think about Worship. Let's just be real. Sometimes we just don't want to. How do you fix that?.......Well, first let's look at the relationship. Is there one? I mean a real one. A relationship that communicates often. One that loves being in each others presence. One that is the most important relationship that you have period. That's where we start. My wife Naomi is my soul mate. I never get tired of being around her. Every day we call each other several times just to hear each others voice. I know, it sounds corny, but it's true! God desires that kind of a relationship from us. A relationship that won't even think about missing an opportunity to spend together in Worship. I believe  He desires us to come together in one accord to build our relationship, so that it gets stronger each time we do. Naomi and I have 4 kids, bills, football practices, issues that we face every day. That never stops us from spending quality time together. Don't let all the things you face in life keep you from that relationship with God that you desire. Build that relationship, then Worship becomes easy.
Keep on Keepin' on,

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